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What Is the Best Brain Food?

By Niels Teunis

What you eat makes a spectacular difference in the way your brain functions. It is critical that you always remember this:

Your brain is part of your body.

What you put in your body you put in your brain.

If you eat junk you feed your brain junk. Have you noticed that all around the country schools are rising up? They fight the junk in the school cafeterias and are getting rid of junk fast food and sodas. Instead they feed the children whole foods, vegetables, whole grains etc.

You know what happens to the children as a result?
Test scores go up,
School kids can sit still and...
Pay attention.

Who knew that children can sit still in school and concentrate.

I say again:

What you put into your body you put into your brain.

You have to understand that this is great news. It means that you can greatly influence your brain simply by choosing the right food.

So what is the best food for your brain?

First of all stop feeding your brain junk.

No more sugar or highly refined starches, in particular high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is everywhere. It is a form of sugar that enters your blood stream quickly, but your brain does not register it as food. So you stay hungry while your blood sugar is going up.

Also, get rid of all food that contain transfatty acids. These artificial fats replace healthy fats in your brain. Your brain needs healthy fats, primarily omega-3 fatty acids. Transfats invade your brain and are dangerous for your brain health.

Why are these: hfcs and trans fatty acids in your food?

In two words: shelf life!

Without these food will perish, as it should. Put a slice of bread on the counter, and in a few days, mold will grow. Do the same with crackers and mold won't grow. Molds consider whole bread as food, but not crackers. And as it is not food to molds, nor is it food to you.

What is good food for your brain?

First, eat whole foods, concentrate on vegetables and have whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, etc. Colorful fruit berries are high in anti- oxidants. Finally, you cannot eat enough omega-3 fatty acids. There is no need to eat salmon everyday. Let's not overfish the salmon. Also, no farm raised fish, which contains far less of healthy fats. Very good and cheap sources are sardines and anchovies, and if you take a supplement, take a look at krill oil. Krill is the most abundant food source in the world.

Vegetarians need to eat flax and hemp, and other nuts and seeds. You should grind the flax, and eat at least one tablespoon per day. Walnuts are great as well. Make sure you take sufficient vitamin b and zinc. You can find these in grass-fed beef dairy and eggs. Vegetarian options are terrific and include nuts, seeds, bean, green vegetables. Vitamin b12 is key for vegetarians, but you knew that.

Always remember, what you put in your body you put in your brain. []Niels Teunis, Ph.D..

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