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Attitude & Aptitude - Keys to Your Success

By Gian Fiero

It was motivational speaker Zig Ziglar who said, "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." Does the same still hold true today? More employers are reporting that college graduates are entering the workforce with an "attitude" of entitlement. They want the six figure salary, 4 weeks of vacation, and a corner office before they prove or accomplish anything.

While it may seem like a preposterous notion to those who are descendants of a different culture, generation, or mindset, there are many people who have attitudes (not exclusively of entitlement) which do not engender good will. In fact, many of these, what I will call "counterproductive" attitudes, are based on a false sense of self-esteem.

Self-esteem is defined as a confidence and satisfaction in oneself. The self-esteem is false when one confuses potential with credentials. If there are no credentials, we can not properly gage aptitude. But many college grads believe or subscribe to the philosophy that it's best to "fake it till you make it" and they project a demeanor that's consistent with, or reflective of, those who have actually achieved what they hope or have the potential achieve.

Or do they?

A random sampling of companies that offer internships/apprentice positions reveals that they prefer neophytes to be long on inquisitiveness, and short on haughtiness. A counterproductive attitude gets in the way of learning, and building relationships.

Employers may become easily enamored with potential and credentials, but a positive "can-do" attitude is often listed at the top of employee characteristics that employers value. So much so, that employers state that they will take a less qualified (i.e. less experienced) candidate with a great attitude who shows promise to be a good fit, over a candidate who is more qualified (i.e. has greater credentials on paper). They get a bargain. You get an opportunity to expand and fulfill your potential.

A bad attitude is like a wet towel; it's heavier to carry and harder to handle. Even though it has the same appearance as a dry towel, your experience with it is cumbersome and generally unpleasant. People don't like handling wet towels - not even at pools. If you find that people tend to keep their distance, or that they bypass opportunities to work with you, you may be the aforementioned wet towel.

Many wet towels are not aware of the fact that they are wet. Some are, and are perfectly fine with their condition. They tend to compensate with their aptitude. They will contend that those who lack credentials tend to compensate with their (positive) attitude. Whatever the case, employers don't consider attitude and aptitude an either/or proposition. Much like beauty and brains, people want both - when possible.

No where in our society is attitude and aptitude more on display, and at a premium, than in professional sports. In a culture where "winning is everything," attitude takes a backseat to aptitude, or does it?

The heralded team player is a person who is willing to put his needs and personal glory second to that of the team he plays for. He's valuable. He's rare. He seldom has the greatest athletic aptitude of any player on the team, but usually has the greatest attitude. His presence is felt by all, his absence impacts many. He does what he's required do, and happily does more than the job requires because he knows the difference it makes in winning.

This combination of aptitude and attitude can determine the altitude of your success. Zig Ziglar is still on point. And so are those who understand this.

Gian Fiero is an educator, speaker and consultant who specializes in business development, career planning, and personal growth issues.

Article Source: Attitude & Aptitude - Keys to Your Success


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