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If You Want To Continue Writing, Don't Stop Reading

By Marsha Maung

It's not that I am a fantastic writer. In fact, sometimes, I think I am far from it and can't help feeling humbled whenever a good writeup is stumbled-upon. But if people asked me what keeps my blogging going, I would say one thing. Talking to people. And reading.

That's two things but they are related. A writer who stops reading or talking to people will eventually end up with a dry well. How many things in your everyday life can you find to spark something off in your head? One? Three? And if you are lucky enough to find them, it is prudent to write them down. In most instances, it is hard to find topics to write about.

Just ask any regular blogger or writer - is it easy? Nope. Is it fun? Sometimes, yes, sometimes......

Get into new topics

Over time, bloggers change, their lifestyle changes or there is an upheaval at home (the blogger is, I assume, HUMAN) so, things change and they will find it difficult to continue writing in the same tone or about the same topics. It is POSSIBLE, but rarely easy.

When there is communication with others, new ideas hit you. A neighbor gets a new dog and you get a new topic - why you will NEVER get a dog. Your sister tells you about her boyfriend's job loss - why you should never assume your job is going to last your forever.

Polishing up your skills in the writing terrain

I have written countless times before about how a easy it is to lose that spark. You write and write and write...and you end up having been writing for the past decade. To say that the writing or blogging might become lifeless at the end of the decade is an understatement. Some people who used to blog or write regularly, end up not writing anything anymore or produce sub-par write-ups.

Bookmark your favorite sites up

Based on my experience, writers should bookmark their favorite blogs or websites up on their favorite browser and then visit them once a day. Not all of them in one day, just pick one. Or place the RSS feed up on Google Reader.

Different writers with different writing styles will give you new words to use. It is not uncommon for people to KNOW a word and have not used those particular words at all in their writing. We turn into writers who write with a limited number of words. Not that it will make a world of difference to the article if there wasn't any meat in it but it gives your fans a new interest.

So, grow. Don't stop reading if you want to continue writing.

Marsha Maung is a Malaysian-based []freelance writer with two kids. She spends her time ferrying her kids around, watering her plants, writing web content, SEO stuff, ghostwriting books and also indulges in the occasional Facebook-ing. Visit her []blog for more dirty details on the life and times of a mother, writer, designer, housekeeper, coffee-maker, poop-wiper, chef...and just about everything else under the sun

Article Source: [,-Dont-Stop-Reading&id=6432250] If You Want To Continue Writing, Don't Stop Reading


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